New Features in our latest masterpiece template


  • Integrated Lunrjs Search
  • Bootstrap 5.3
  • Bootstrap Icons
  • Responsive design
  • Blog-Ready
  • Cloud Tags
  • Git Build Info
  • Nav Display Page option
  • Page Header Images
  • Header Image Alt Text
  • Sidebar Headers For Page Navigation
  • Show Page Top Link Option
  • Exclude Page From Search Option
  • Git Hooks with Installation
  • Site Map Generation
  • Formspree Contact Form

Site Level Parameters

Site Wide Parameters in the _config.yml file.

search_enabled: true or false # Turn on or off the search form
git_build_data_color: '#eee' # Color of the build data in the footer
google_analytics: true or false # Turn on/off Google Analytics 
google_tag_manager: 'GTM-XXXXXXX' # Your Google Tag Manager Id
sidebar_headers: true or false # Site Wide Sidebar Headers
show_top_link: true or false # Show The 'Back To Top' Link in Sidebar
formspree_id: 'your_formspree_id' # Contact Page Formspree Id

Template Page Parameters

Page-Level frontmatter Parameters:

layout: home,default,page,post, or tags # Layout of the page
title: The Page Title # Title of the page
nav_display: true or false # Show this page in the navigation?
image: "/path or https://url.png" # Path To Your Page Header Image
image_alt: "Alt text for the image" # Image Alt Text
header_title: "Header Title" # Display header text
exclude_search: true # Exclude this page from search results?
sidebar_headers: true or false # Display the sidebar headers on this page
show_top_link: true or false # Display the 'Back To Top' on this page
permalink: /path/to/page/ # Same as jekyll's permalink

Install Git Hook

Setup Git Hooks with the install script


Tag Cloud

The tag cloud is generated from the keyword tags in your _posts files. Note: Tags all should be lowercased!!!


tags: [jekyll, welcome, test]

They will be automagically genrated when the git pre-commit hook is run.

You can manually run the following command to generate the tag cloud files

$ ./_posts_tags/

You can see the tags that will be generated in the _site_tags_missing.txt file.

Enabled in the _config.yml file with the search_enabled: true parameter.

Search is powered by the Lunr.js library. The index is generated autmatically in the /assets/js/documents.js file.